Whilst always having had an interest in photography, Denise Swanson only took it up professionally later in life, initially covering press and editorial assignments. Having won numerous awards, with images published in books, magazines and as CD covers it was whilst shooting images for submission to the Science Photo Library she realised photography as an art form was what held her interest.
On qualifying for Associateship with the British Institute of Professional Photography (BIPP), after encouragement from artist and Professor of Contemporary Art at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) Lubaina Himid MBE, Denise studied for a Masters degree (MA) in Fine Art: Site & Archive Intervention as a mature student, under Lubaina’s guidance and mentorship in 2007-2009 then went on to gain a BIPP Fellowship in Fine Art Photography, later also becoming a judge, mentor and an assessor.
After achieving the MA with Merit and after the closing of the PAD Gallery in Preston, Denise went on to set up Oxheys Mill Studios in 2011 and found herself becoming more involved with artists working locally, often exhibiting their work, so started offering an artwork photography service, which included fine art printing after acquiring a large format printer. Word soon spread and she found herself working with museums and artists further afield. Denise then achieved the very first Fellowship in Cultural Heritage Photography with the BIPP, becoming one of a select few to hold two Fellowships.
Denise enjoys working with artists in all media and now regularly covers arts events, exhibitions and other activities for artists, galleries and curators, in Preston and elsewhere, in addition to photographing or reproducing their artworks and digitising slides.
See artworkphotography.uk for further details
Denise’s first love though is nature photography – she is inspired by nature and is never happier than spending time exploring, either in her garden or out in nature reserves. She loves crawling around on hands and knees photographing plants, insects and interesting shapes and forms discovered amongst the undergrowth that often go overlooked. Turning those images into works of art…